John Heinz - Obituary


Object ID:
The Enterprise, Elizabethtown, Kentucky

Mr. John Heinz was born in
Coblenz. Germany, January 29.
1841, and died at Dimock, S. D.,
Wednesday. July 5. 1922. At the
time of his death he was 81 years
6 months and 6 days of age.

He came to this country when
twenty-eight years of age, resid-
on a farm near Charlestown,  Ina
diana, where he was married to
Katherine Eshuber, of Borden,
Ind, May 2, 1871. To this union
were born five children.

Eighteen years ago the family
moved to a farm near. Ethan. .A
year ago Mr. and Mrs. Heinz cel
ebrated their golden wedding an-
niversary at their son’s home in
Okahoma, returning to South
Dakota in June and making their
home in Dimock.

Mr. Heinz has always enjoyed
good health until last fall when
he became afflicted with cataracts
and was operated on in Septem-
ber but never regained his sight
or strength. His wife passed a-
way in April just three months
and one day before him. Since
that time his health has failed
steadily, but he was able to visit
his neighbors and go to church
until four days before his death.

All of his children survive him.
They are Mrs. Peter Beck of Cot—
tonwood, Mrs. Frances Baumgart
of Dimock, Fred Heinz of Law-
ton, Okla., Joseph Heinz of Tex-
ico, N. Mex., and. Val Heinz of

The Enterprise joins with the
people of this vicinity in extend-
ing sympathyto the bereaved.

Date published:
July 1922

Donated By:
Judy Studelska
Citing this Record:
"Sommer Family CollectiveAccess System, database : Obituary : John Heinz - Obituary [2018.30]." January 16 2018. Web. accessed February 23 2025. <>